Sunday, November 27, 2005

A Trip to Yilan

Last weekend, I went for a trip to Yilan with my friends: Олег, Сима и Нина. Originally, I wanted to drive there through the Northern Costal Highway, but instead, we drove the Taipei-Yilan Highway due to Нина's opposition. And the reason why she was against my idea is that she wanted to eat some luwei (a kind of meat or fowl that stewed with soy sauce and strained before serving) in a roadside store on the Taipei-Yilan Highway.

Our first stop is Jiaoshi hotspring, which is my first time to bath in a hotspring. We spent a nice afternoon in the hot water. People say that bathing in a hotspring can improve your health and skin, but I find that bathing in a hotspring makes me feel sleepy. And it is very horrible to drive when one is sleepy. So our second stop is our hotel in the National Center for Traditional Art.

Forte Dong-shan Villa locates in the National Center for Traditional Art. It was originally only for traditional artists to stay, but opened to the public later. Forte combines Chinese traditional exterior and modern interior, which is very special even in Taiwan. The interior is not as good as five-star hotels, but we was very satisfied about the space of our room, which is big enough for 8 people to sleep in if you want to save some money. But Forte has no restaurant or convenience store that open after 8:00 p.m. So it is very inconvenient for dining. We drove to Yilan city to buy food that night.

The next day, we spent most of the day in the National Center for Traditional Art. It features a Chinese old-style street. You can find many nostalgic stuff from childhood. And also, my favorite, Starbucks. And we took the Northern Costal Highway home in the afternoon after I finished my Starbucks coffee.

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Saturday, November 12, 2005

Fujifilm F10 & Nikon S1

今天和 Olek 一起去買他肖想好久的隨身相機,去之前我們已經把目標鎖定在有高 ISO 的富士 F10,大概是富士快要出 F11 的關係,跑遍數位達人和博漢區卻僅有數家有貨,而且只有金久一家有水貨(沒在那邊買的原因是因為有個臉很臭的小姐)。後來多虧 Molly 的大力幫忙(嗯,男友似乎在旁邊,因為我聽到有個男生喃喃唸著「億華」。),才讓我們在沒有網路的情況下找到了 eWhat(前億華,改名了難怪之前都找不到資料)的地址和電話。經過確認有現貨而且價格合理後,便驅車前往。

到了以後發現 eWhat 又小又不起眼人又多(擠死人了,還好它快搬家,希望搬去大一點的地方),不過幸運的是招待我們的 eWhat 店員是個又可愛,服務態度又好的漂亮妹妹(金久 Bye bye!),可惜 Olek 膽子小不敢拍她。稍微測試一下沒問題後,我們就帶著 F10 回家了。回家路上順便繞到師大路測試 F10 的高 ISO 能力,並以我的 Nikon S1 做為對照組。以下是其中一組照片。

fujifilm F10 TakeNikon S1 Take
前者是 F10,後者是 S1,兩張照片都是以 ISO 400 拍攝。比較之下,果然 F10 所標榜的高 ISO 值不是蓋的,雖然暗處有些微雜訊,但亮處曝光正常,表現甚佳。反觀 S1,不但亮處爆掉,而且雜訊多到誇張的地步。最幹的是,S1 是我的!看來 F10 的高 ISO 果然有其實用性。我應該可以接受到 ISO 800 的畫質吧,反正在網路上或洗六乘四的照片時看不出雜訊來(搞不好洗六乘四時 ISO 1600 也看不出來,還需要實驗)。看來可以準備存錢(或買樂透或刷卡)買富士新出的 F11 或 Z2了。

ps. 我說過我換新手機了嗎?

Friday, November 04, 2005

Google Print

59584150 Bf251117Cc OGoogle 的網路圖書館 Google Print 昨天上線了。不過有版權的書籍僅能閱讀數頁,不過測試結果似乎能用 Google Print 找到書中特定單字,查詢結果跑出特定單字出現頁數的前後幾頁,寫文章須引用時可以非常方便地找到頁數。59585446 Abde480684 O不過無法存檔,就連 Print to PDf 也無法使用,匯出的 PDF 會看不出查詢的結果,大概只能用 Print Screen 來存檔。Google Print 如果再加上能搜尋學術論文的 Google Scholar ,撰寫英文論文時非常方便。不過這兩個服務現在都僅能使用英文,似乎並沒有看到其他語言的選擇,這也顯示了在網際網路時代,英文只會愈來愈強勢的情形。後我又在 CNET 上看到此篇報導,內容寫道:

Google3日將數千本公共領域書籍掛上網,亞馬遜公司(立刻還以顏色,計畫推出讀者上網讀書服務。另一方面,全球最大貿易類書籍出版商藍燈書屋(Random House),也準備讓讀者付費上網看書。


Thursday, November 03, 2005

AOpen Mini PC

Minipc-779X290今天在網站上看到關於 AOpen mini PC 的討論,連到 AOpen 的首頁後,看到了這個⋯⋯和蘋果電腦的 Mac mini 還真是相似啊。嗯,看來今後 AOpen 也是拒絕往來戶了。

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

iCon: Steve Jobs


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