Friday, October 27, 2006

Fatboy Slim - Weapon of Choice

從「夜癮」(The Addition)開始,我一直都很喜歡Christopher Walken這位演員,雖然長得不是正統帥哥老頭樣(當然,我指的是Al Pacino、Robert de Niro和Sean Connery),但一向有自己獨特的韻味。而從「Praise You」開始,我也一直是Fat boy slim的愛好者。可是我居然到一到今天才發現這支Music Video,真是不稱職的影、歌迷。真該感謝YouTube讓我在沒有電視的情況下,還能看到這支我心目中最好的Music Video。在這支Music Video中,不論是人、歌、舞都配得恰到好處,散發出濃濃的成熟韻味。Christopher Walken這老頭還真會跳啊。

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

How Dumb I Am!


old way.jpg


new way.jpg

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Tolstoy in the Morning Light

Originally uploaded by cravingnigel.
今天早上起來,看到Tolstoy躺在旁邊,就把牠抓起來用E770拍了幾張照片。果不其然,效果差強人意,也許我該考慮換一隻SonyEricsson K800i了。

Monday, October 09, 2006

The Fear of Thinking about the Future

I've been working in this new company for a few monthes now. Yet still can't figure out the target reader of the magazine, which gave me a lot of stress. I have never faced this kind of stress before. For a long time, I can always do my job with confidence, but not this one. This job is in the field that I've never done before. I feel anxious with every word I write, every topic I choose. This feeling is new to me and I don't like it. Damn, how I wish this feeling can be gone sooner.

I work as a technical writer in a computer magazine right now. And I used to work as a bilingual editor for an English learning magazine. There are so much difference between this two jobs. The only thing in common is that I like them equally. As a teechnical writer, I have to read and write about a lot of technology news and skills, which I haven't leant before. I've always wondering that if what I wrote is correct and if the things I wrote can match the taste of the target reader.

This is not a easy job, and this feeling may never be gone after all. All I can do is keep working hard and try to forget this feeling.