Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Trilogy: The Weeping Meadow

Trilogy is the newest work of Greek film master Theo Angelopoulos. In Trilogy, Angelopoulos looks back the 20th century vicissitudes of Greek people through the eye of the 21st. The whole story is separated into three independent films. The setting spans from the beginning of the 20th century to the 21st century. Stories are told about the radical changes of Greek modern history and the destitute and exilic odyssey of Greek people.

Trilogy is divided into three independent stories. The Weeping Meadow is the first of the three films. One will recognize traces from Oedipus Rex and Seven Against Thebes in the course of a love affair and the fate of a woman. The entire piece is filmed in Greece, and the story begins in Odessa in 1919 with the entry of the Red Army into the city, through the invasions by the Italian and German armies, and ends in the Greek civil war in 1949. The story of life, love and family centers on the romance and the tragedy between a young musician and his wife — Eleni. Her dream ends along with her husband's last letter from a battlefront in the South Pacific in 1945 ends with a dream:
... you bent down and spread your hand on the wet grass. When you raised it, a few drops trickled and dripped. Like tears on the earth ...

The nine-hour, three-part film Trilogy perfectly combines the Greek history and cinemas from the last hundred years, and it also broke the record for most-invested film in the history of Greek cinema. The second film of the trilogy, The Third Wing, will be filmed in Russia, Eastern Europe and Italy and is in pre-production. And the finale The Eternal Return will be filmed in north America.



《希臘三部曲》將分成三個獨立的故事進行。第一部電影《希臘首部曲:悲傷草原》,故事取材自希臘神話《伊底帕斯王》和《七雄圍攻底比斯》改編而成,是關於一個女人的命運和她的愛情悲劇。全片都在希臘拍攝,年代背景則開始於一 九一九年俄國內戰奧得薩紅軍入侵,再穿越過兩次世界大戰期間的義軍、德軍入侵,最後結束於一九四九年希臘自身的內戰。電影劇情則以一對年輕音樂家夫妻相愛 與分離的多舛命運為主軸,帶出一首人生、愛情與親情的絕美交響詩。電影中女主角艾蓮妮的美夢結束於亡夫於一九四五年時從南太平洋戰場寄來的最後一封信:

三部電影總長將接近九小時的《希臘三部曲》,不但將創下希臘電影史上拍 攝資金最鉅的紀錄,也為希臘百年來的近代史和電影史,作了一次最極致輝煌的完美結合。第二部的《希臘二部曲:希望之翼》決定在俄羅斯、東歐及義大利等地取 景,目前已進入籌備階段;而最後的《希臘三部曲:永恆歸來》則將在北美拍攝。

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